2月22日(木)午前8時45分から、本館3階講堂において、付属中学校の3大行事の掉尾を飾る English Day 2019 が開催されました。
No Guts! No Glory!!
My Dear Students,
Good morning to you all!
Let’s open "English Day" now. I know all of you here have been preparing for this event for a long time.
It is a big event that marks the end of the three major events at Ryukoku University Heian Junior High School. I sincerely hope to see the fruits of your English activities since you entered this school.
Actually, I belonged to the English Speaking Society in my university days. At that time, I participated in a number of recitation and speech contests. It was 50 years ago, but I won first prize a few times.
Recently, Japan has become greatly internationalized. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is rare to hear Japanese conversation even at Kyoto station. In order to communicate without borders, it becomes very important to acquire the world's common language. In other words, it is essential to learn English, as more than 4.5 billion people speak it worldwide. The 21st century will be the stage upon which you live your life, so English will be more indispensable to you than you think.
I actually regret that I did not continue learning English after my graduation from university. It is said that "Continuity is the father of success!", but I would like to amend that and suggest that "Only continuity is the father of success!" If you continue studying English throughout your life, starting with this “English Day”, I believe nothing will better predict your future achievements. Please do your best and pursue excellence.
To all teachers concerning "English Day", especially Native English teachers, I appreciate your heartfelt help and devotional effort. Thank you very much again!
And ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming out so early in the morning. Please enjoy yourselves!
Finally, my students, I wish you a successful English Day!
Thank you.